Friday, July 10, 2009

I/O to and from files in C Programming Language

I/O to and from files

Similar statements also exist for handling I/O to and from files. The statements are
#include <>

FILE *fp;

fp = fopen(name, mode);

fscanf(fp, "format string", variable list);
fprintf(fp, "format string", variable list);

fclose(fp );
The logic here is that the code must
  • define a local ``pointer'' of type FILE (note that the uppercase is necessary here), which is defined in <>
  • ``open'' the file and associate it with the local pointer via fopen
  • perform the I/O operations using fscanf and fprintf
  • disconnect the file from the task with fclose
The ``mode'' argument in the fopen specifies the purpose/positioning in opening the file: ``r'' for reading, ``w'' for writing, and ``a'' for appending to the file. Try the following:

#include <>

void main()
FILE *fp;
int i;

fp = fopen("foo.dat", "w"); /* open foo.dat for writing */

fprintf(fp, "\nSample Code\n\n"); /* write some info */
for (i = 1; i <= 10 ; i++) fprintf(fp, "i = %d\n", i); fclose(fp); /* close the file */ }

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