Thursday, November 20, 2008

program how to get input from the user in graphics mode, echoed in the current colors and font size and font style

The following program demonstrates how to get input from the user in graphics mode, echoed in the current colors and font size and font style.

#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
main( )
char nameString[80], ageString[80] ;
int age, gd = DETECT, gm ;
initgraph ( &gd, &gm, "c:\\tc\\bgi" ) ;
setbkcolor ( BLUE ) ;
setcolor ( YELLOW ) ;
settextstyle ( GOTHIC_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 0 ) ;
moveto ( 0, 0 ) ;
outtext ( "Enter your name: " ) ;
getGrString ( nameString ) ;
moveto ( 0, gety( ) + textheight ( "A" ) ) ;
outtext ( "Name: " ) ;
outtext ( nameString ) ;
moveto ( 0, gety( ) + textheight ( "A" ) ) ;
outtext ( "Press key to exit! " ) ;
getch( ) ;
closegraph( ) ;
restorecrtmode( ) ;
getGrString ( char *inputString )
int stringIndex = 0, oldColor ;
char ch, outString[2] ;
/* xVal will store the screen position for each char */
int xVal[255] ;
outString[1] = 0 ;
xVal[0] = getx( ) ;
cursor ( ON ) ;
ch = getch( ) ;
cursor ( OFF ) ;
if ( ch == 0 ) /* avoid dealing with all special keys */
getch( ) ;
if ( ch == 8 ) /* backspace */
oldColor = getcolor( ) ;
--stringIndex ;
if ( stringIndex <>
stringIndex = 0 ;
/* move to ( old horz position, current vert position ) */
moveto ( xVal[stringIndex], gety( ) ) ;
setcolor ( getbkcolor( ) ) ;
outString[0] = inputString[stringIndex] ;
outtext ( outString ) ;
moveto ( xVal [stringIndex], gety( ) ) ;
setcolor ( oldColor ) ;
inputString[stringIndex] = ch ;
outString[0] = ch ;
outtext ( outString ) ;
++stringIndex ;
xVal[stringIndex] = getx( ) ;
} while ( ch != 13 && ch != 10 ) ;
inputString[stringIndex] = 0 ;
cursor ( int on )
int curX, oldColor ;
/* we'll use an underscore as a cursor */
char uBarStr[2] = { '_', 0 } ;
if ( !on )
oldColor = getcolor( ) ;
setcolor ( getbkcolor( ) ) ;
/* save horizontal position before drawing cursor */
curX = getx( ) ;
outtext ( uBarStr ) ;
moveto ( curX, gety( ) ) ;
/* if we changed the color to erase cursor, change it back */
if ( !on )
setcolor ( oldColor ) ;
The function getGrString( ) echoes graphically the user input and stores it in a buffer, and the function cursor( ) handles the cursor position.

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