Thursday, November 20, 2008

other member of the structure using the address of age

57. Suppose I have a structure having fields name, age, salary and have passed address of age to a function fun( ). How I can access the other member of the structure using the address of age?

struct emp
char name[20] ;
int age ;
float salary ;
} ;
main( )
struct emp e ;
printf ( "\nEnter name: " ) ;
scanf ( "%s", ) ;
printf ( "\nEnter age: " ) ;
scanf ( "%d", &e.age ) ;
printf ( "\nEnter salary: " ) ;
scanf ( "%f", &e.salary ) ;
fun ( &e.age ) ;
fun ( int *p )
struct emp *q ;
int offset ;
offset = ( char * ) ( & ( ( struct emp * ) 0 ) -> age ) - ( char * ) ( (
struct emp* ) 0 ) ;
q = ( struct emp * ) ( ( char * ) p - offset ) ;
printf ( "\nname: %s", q -> name ) ;
printf ( "\nage: %d", q -> age ) ;
printf ( "\nsalary: %f", q -> salary ) ;

59. Sometimes you need to prompt the user for a password. When the user types in the password, the characters the user enters should not appear on the screen. A standard library function getpass( ) can be used to perform such function. Maximum number of characters that can be entered as password is 8.
main( )
char *pwd ;
pwd = getpass ( "Enter Password" ) ;
if ( strcmp ( pwd, "orgcity" ) )
printf ( "\nPassword %s is incorrect", pwd ) ;
printf ( "\nCorrect Password" ) ;

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