Tuesday, July 7, 2009

C programming TECHNICAL MCQ Exercise -13

Q. 1 . Find the output void main() 
int x=5, *p, q; 
p=&x; q=p; 
printf ("%d", ++*q); 
a . 5 
b . 6 
c . Error, invalid indirection 
d . None of these 
Q. 2 . B language was developed by 
a . Dennis Ritchie in 1972 
b . Martin Richards in 1967 
c . Geoffrey brown in 1968 
d . Ken Thompson in 1970 

Q. 3 . Find the output 
#define float int 
void main() {
 int x=10;
 float y=3; 
 a . 0 
b . 1
 c . 1.000000 
d . Error, floating point format not linked 

Q. 4 . Find the correct output 

void main() 
int i; 
float f=3.14;
float compute(float); 
float compute(float x) 
else return(1); 
a . Suffering 
b . Garbage 
c . 0 
d . 1 

Q. 5 . The PID of the kernel process is 
a . 0 
b . 1 
c . undefined 
d . 2 

Q. 6 . Which operator is used both as an operator and a keyword? 
a . Conditional operator 
b . Cast operator 
c . Sizeof operator 
d . None of these 

Q. 7 . Find the correct output 
void main() 
int x=0; 
a . 1 
b . YUinlakshya1 
c . Uinlakshya1 
d . Uinlakshya1 

Q. 8 . Find the correct output 
#define int char 
void main() 
int a=65; 
a . 1 
b . 2 
c . Garbage value 
d . None of these 

Q. 9 . Choose the appropriate one. A variable is called as 
a . Lvalue 
b . Modifiable lvalue 
c . Rvalue 
d . Modifiable rvalue 

Q. 10 . Find the output 
void main()
char x=’A’; 
} } } 

a . tomtom b . harry c . tomharry d . Error 

Q. 11 . Find out the output 

int j=10; 
void main() 
int j=5; 
static int i; 
a . 5
b . 10 
c . Error, illegal initialization 
d . None of these 

Q. 12 . Find out the output 
void fun(char**); 
char * argv[] = { "ab" ,"cd" , "ef" ,"gh", "ij" ,"kl" }; 
fun( argv );
void fun( char **p ) 
char* t; 
t= (p+= sizeof(int))[-1]; 
printf( "%s" , t);
 a . ab b . cd c . ef d . gh 

Q. 13 . Find the correct output 
void main() 
char *p="abc123",*q="abc";
a . aabbcc 
b . bbcc112233 
c . bbcc1 
d . aabbcc123 

Q. 14 . Find the correct output 
void main() 
char s[]="Lakshya"; 
a . Error 
b . Garbage value 
c . No output 
d . L 

Q. 15 . Find out the output 
void main() 
int a= 0;
int b = 20;
char x =1;
char y =10; 
a . 0
 b . 1
 c . 2 
d . None of the above 

Q. 16 . Find the correct output 
void main() 
 int a=9; 
char c; 
a . a b . b c . 9 d . Error 

Q. 17 . Find the output 
void main()
int x=65536,y;
printf("%d %d",x,y);
 a . 0 2 
b . 1 2
 c . 65536 2 
d . None of these 

Q. 18 . Find out the output 
void main() 
static char *s[ ] = {"black", "white", "yellow", "violet"}; 
char **ptr[ ] = {s+3, s+2, s+1, s}, ***p; 
p = ptr; **++p; 
printf("%s",*--*++p + 3); 
a . ck b . te c . violet d . Error 

Q. 19 . A bit field is 
a . A pointer variable in a structure 
b . One bit or a set of adjacent bits within a word.
 c . A pointer variable in a union. 
d . None of these 

Q. 20 . Find out the output 
void main() 
int x=10; 
callme(int x) 
int i=5; 
return x,i; 
a . 3 
b . 5 
c . Can’t return more than one value 
d . Function should have a return type 

Q. 21 . Find the output. 
void main() 
int x=5; 
void *p; 
printf("%d",*(int *)p); 
a . 5 
b . Garbage 
c . Generic pointer can not be dereferenced 
d . No output 

Q. 22 . Find the output 
union res { char a:6; int b:8; } 
void main() 
union res s; 
a . 14 
b . 8 
c . 1 
d . 2 

Q. 23 . The function call 
fseek(ptr,0,0),is same as 
a . ptr=rewind(ptr) 
b . ptr=fopen()
 c . ftell(ptr) 
d . None of these 
Q. 24 . Find out the output 
#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x) 
main() { 
int a=3; 
char *b; 
printf("\n %d %d",a,b);
 a . 64 4 
b . 27 4 
c . 27 6 
d . None of these 

Q. 25 . Find the correct output 
void main() 
int i=5; 
i=i++ + ++i + i++; 
a . 18 
b . 20 
c . 24 
d . None of these 

Q. 26 . Find out the output 
int main(void) 
int x=256; 
if (*(char *)&x == 255) 
printf("Little Endian\n"); 
else { 
printf("Big Endian\n"); 
return 0; 
a . Big Endian 
b . Little Endian 
c . Error 
d . None of these 

Q. 27 . Find out the output. 
struct xyz 
int xyz ;
union xyz 
int xyz; 
void main() 
printf("%d ",xyz.xyz);
a . 1 
b . 0 
c . compile time error 
d . None of these 
Q. 28 . Find out the output 
void main() 
char s[]="Lakshya";
 printf("%c %c",*(&s),*(&s[0])); 
a . L L 
b . Prints character present at whole address of s, then L 
c . La 
d . Error, lvalue required 

Q. 29 . Which of the following is a valid hexadecimal integer constant? 
a . -0xa 
b . 0x5.2 
c . 0xIF 
d . all of the above 

Q. 30 . The function call 
fseek(ptr,0,0),is same as 
a . ptr=rewind(ptr) 
b . ptr=fopen() 
c . ftell(ptr) 
d . None of these 

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